Blessings to all
Please find the appropriate Service below. Click on the PDF images to open and view or print the Service. We have added the ELCA Guidelines for returning to in-person services.
Sunday February 16th, 2025
Service of Holy Communion
The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany​ ​
​​​​Please remember to mail in or drop off your offering while away on vacation.​
Year to Date Margin: $12,029.33​​​​
Phyllis Griffiths is our church musician. Phyllis has many years of experience playing at various parishes in NJ.
We are blessed and happy to have her join us.
We look forward to her music and ministry at Apostles.
Masks are mandatory if you are unvaccinated or if there is someone in your household who is immunosuppressed or unable to be vaccinated.
If you are fully vaccinated masks are at your discretion.
We look forward to worshipping together again!
Link to Pastor's Weekly Newsletter. Click the link button below to view Newsletter​.